Waterside Academy



Admissions - click here

(In-Year) Admissions - Apply here for an 'in-year' place at Waterside

Charging and Remissions Policy

Data Protection Policy

For any data protection queries (including subject access requests), please contact the school’s data protection leads admin@waterside.herts.sch.uk. Should you require data protection information at the Trust level or outside term time, please contact the Trust’s DPO at DPO@agoralearning.co.uk

Privacy Notice (Parents/Carers)

Privacy Notice (Governors)

Privacy Notice (Staff)

Attendance Policy

Complaints Policy

Complaints Form

Abuse Against Staff

Accessibility Plan 2024

Child Protection Policy

Designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children


SEND Policy 

First Aid in Schools and Medical Policy 

Medical and Social Needs Form - to be used for 2021-22 and 2022-23

RSE Policy - Mar 24

RSE Policy Video Meeting

Preventing and Responding to Bullying Policy

Bullying and Harassment Policy

Behaviour Policy - Spring 24

Home/School Agreement

Reducing the Need for Physical Intervention

Health and Safety

Lettings Policy

Equality Duty Statement 

Equality Duty Objectives

School Uniform Policy

Code of Conduct Policy

Career Break Policy


Debt Management Statement

Debt Management Policy


Please note that paper copies (for all of the above) are available on request from the school office.


Note: Last academic year the total number of 'formal complaints as defined by our policy' was recorded as 'nil'.


Many of our policies are written and approved by our multi academy trust - The Agora Learning Partnership:


Please see...



Annual Report and Accounts for the Trust










Rowans, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 1NZ
A charitable limited company, registered in England and Wales No 10290954
Registered Office The Orchard Primary School, Gammons Lane, Watford, WD24 5JW

01707 321203
