Waterside Academy

Statutory Information

Waterside Academy is committed to safeguarding children.

Should you have any concerns regarding a child's safety, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Leader (DSL) or a Deputy DSL who can all be contacted via the office.

DSL - Miss Wilson (Deputy Head)

Deputy DSLs - Mrs Pace, Mrs Geaves, Mrs Powell

Should you have any concerns or questions regarding safeguarding, please do come and speak with us without delay.

Alternatively, feel free to e-mail me directly via head@waterside.herts.sch.uk - this is particularly useful during the school holidays and on other occasions when the school is closed. 

Child Protection Policy

Behaviour Policy

Operation Encompass

We are an Operation Encompass school.

This is a 'police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership' which supports children and young people who experience Domestic Abuse.

Operation Encompass means that the police will share information about Domestic Abuse incidents with our school PRIOR to the start of the next school day when they have been called to a domestic incident.
Once a Key Adult (DSL) has attended at an Operation Encompass briefing they will cascade the principles of Operation Encompass to all DDSL’s.
The Operation Encompass information is stored in line with all other confidential safeguarding and child protection information.

The Key Adult has also led training for all school staff and Governors about Operation Encompass, the prevalence of Domestic Abuse and the impact of this abuse on children.

We have also discussed how we can support our children following the Operation Encompass notification.

The Safeguarding Governor will report on Operation Encompass in the termly report to Governors.

All information is anonymised for these reports.

The Key Adult has used the Operation Encompass Toolkit to ensure that all appropriate actions have been taken by the school.


Our School:

Waterside Academy

Rowans, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 1NZ

Telephone : 01707 321203
Fax No : 01707 339612

Website: www.waterside.herts.sch.uk

Email:     admin@waterside.herts.sch.uk

We are a proud member of The Agora Learning Partnership. 

The partnership is a supportive multi-academy trust consisting of nine schools, across the county, who work together for the betterment of our pupils. 

Please see... 


For queries, information or paper copies of policies please contact  School Office where Mrs Powell will be able to discuss any queries.

Admissions Arrangements

Admissions 2021/22 Admissions 2022/23

ALP Admissions Policy 2021/22

ALP Medical / Social needs form 2021/22

ALP Admissions outside of normal age form 2021/22

ALP In-year admissions form 2021/22 

HCC Appeals Timetable 2021

ALP Admissions Policy 2022/23

ALP Medical / Social needs form 2022/23

ALP Admissions outside of normal age form_2022/23

ALP In-year admissions form 2022/23



Admissions 2023/24

ALP Admissions Policy 2023/24

ALP Medical / Social needs form 2023/24

ALP Admissions outside of normal age form_2023/24

ALP In-year admissions form 2022/23

HCC Appeals Timetable 2022


Admissions 2024/25

ALP Admissions Policy 2024/25

Promoting British Valuesplease click here


Admissions 2025/26

Admissions Policy 2025-2026 



Financial Information


Agora Learning Partnership - Trust Accounts

Agora Learning Partnership - Scheme of Delegation


Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)

At Waterside Academy we strive to ensure our disadvantaged children have the same opportunities to reach their potential. We created a pupil premium pledge, please see this below:

Pupil Premium Pledge (shorter and 'punchier' this year) 2021.22 - click here...

For more information on pupil premium funding, please click on the report below...

Pupil Premium Impact (2018.19) and Strategy (2019.20) Report

Pupil Premium Impact (2019.20) and Strategy (2020.21) Report

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (2021-2022)

Pupil Premium Statement 2021-2024

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (2021-2024) Reviewed July 2022

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (2021-2024) Reviewed December 2022 

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - Waterside Academy December 2023


Our Pupil Premium Team

Whilst everyone at Waterside fully recognises that, well, everyone at Waterside is responsible for the progress and learning of pupils who are eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant, we have still assembled our very own PPG 'dream team' - A team of professionals who work hard to ensure our pupils make excellent progress.

The team is as follows:

Mrs Pace (HT and creator of the 'staff pupil premium pledge')

Miss K Wilson (DHT and strategic lead for pupil premium provision)

Mrs L Jarrold (SENDCO and in charge of our PPG/SEN 'cross-over' work)

Mrs G Woods (SEND TA, in charge of nurture provision and PPG CHAMPION)

Mrs C.A Sturmey (Lead TA and in charge of interventions)

Mrs G Powell (Attendance officer, in charge of punctuality and attendance) 


PE and Sports Premium Grant (SPG) Funding

PE and Sports Premium Impact (2018.19) and Strategy (2019.20) Report

PE and Sports Premium Impact (2019.20) and Strategy (2020.21) Report

PE and Sports Premium Impact (2020.21) and Strategy (2021.22) Report

PE and Sports Premium Impact (2021.22) and Strategy (2022.23) Report

PE and Sports Premium Impact July 2023

 Report PE and Sports Premium July 2024.pdf

Ofsted Report

We are officially a GOOD school. 

Ofsted Report - 2022 - click here!


English -  Miss Wilson

Maths - Mrs Geaves  and Mr Craig (STEM team)

Science - Mrs Geaves  (STEM team)

Computing - Mr Craig (STEM team) 

P.E - Miss Wilson


Creative Arts - Miss Lavos

Music - Mrs Costi

MfL - (Spanish in KS2) - Miss Lavos

Humanities - (History, Geography and R.E) - Mrs Burman and Miss Sturmey

EYFS leader - Mrs Geaves

KS1 leader - Miss Wilson

LKS2 leader - Miss Lavos

UKS2 leader - Mr Craig

All subjects have their own subject-specific SEF, written in the summer term each year. This SEF is then used, by the subject leader, to formulate the subject-specific action plan. All subject-specific action plans then lead directly into the wider School Development Plan.

Here at Waterside we give our teachers, who are also subject leaders, two additional lessons per week release time to fully plan for, implement and then evaluate the impact of their area of curriculum responsibility.

Being a subject leader is an incredible privilege but a big responsibility too. We recognise the increased workload that comes with leading a subject; curriculum mapping and planning, monitoring, feedback, research, measuring impact and so much more.

This is why every single one of our subject leaders gets two lessons, every single week, out of class, to fully lead their subject properly.

This is protected release time and enables our team to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. The children are then taught by Mrs Burton, who is a very experienced and highly skilled teacher. 

4) The behaviour of pupils requires improvement. Although pupils are polite and well-mannered around the school, during lessons they are not independently resilient and this stops them applying their learning effectively.

At Waterside Academy we all strive to follow our Golden Rules...

We let other children learn

We are kind

We look after property

We keep ourselves safe

We try our hardest

These ‘Golden Rules’ were written with the help of the children and are explicitly taught in class as well as in our Monday assembly each and every week.

Here at Waterside we take every possible action to make sure our behaviour leadership is robust and consistent.

In the autumn of 2019 we sat down with our leadership groups to work through our behaviour processes and then implemented a brand new behaviour policy. The absolute focus of the policy is consistency and restorative justice.

All staff have been given significant training and instruction on how to embed the policy fairly and consistently. We review this overtime and continuously provide staff with behaviour leadership guidance.

5) Although improving, the quality of teaching is too variable across a range of subjects. Consequently, achievement for pupils in all areas across the curriculum is not consistently good.

A very comprehensive program of CPD is offered and delivered to all staff. Our teaching team this year have benefited from CPD work looking at an array of different pedagogical skills including assessment for learning, differentiation, questioning, feedback, behaviour leadership, grammatical structures to both spoken and written English amongst other things.

In addition to the CPD we deliver here in school, our teachers also access a wide range of training courses from various supplies including, but not limited to, HfL.

We have also benefited from the support of teaching and learning providers who have worked with the school across English, maths and the early years. Feedback from visits is always given and actions are put in place to continuously improve the quality of what we do.

6) The newly implemented curriculum is not yet fully developed across all subjects. As a result, pupils are not receiving a broad and balanced curriculum.

Since the launch of our new academy, we at Waterside have worked tirelessly to design and deliver an engaging curriculum that ensures children leave our school with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful within the next phase of their learning and development.

We intend to, and indeed do, deliver a curriculum that helps children to understand the world around them, both here in Welwyn Garden City in Hertfordshire, but also within the wider world as a whole.

We are passionate about enhancing the future opportunities that our young learners will have in life and believe these all start with a world-class and personally designed curriculum.

Some of our young learners will eventually go on to study at world-leading universities, some will be skilled tradespeople, some will work wonderfully within the creative industries and others may be destined for careers in financial or legal services. Whatever our future leaders choose to pursue, we are driven by the knowledge that they leave us with the ability to 'do things' to a very good standard but also 'know things' that help with that journey. 

In addition to the skills and knowledge our children gain from our carefully sequenced curriculum planning we are also very proud to consistently develop our learners' 'cultural capital' through the strategic implementation of enrichment opportunities such as day trips away from the main school site and facilitating visitors here as well, all of which start in the early years foundation stage of the school. 

This way we know that today's learning really does prepare our children for, but also vastly improves, tomorrow's world!

7) Over time, while getting better, in key stage 2, too few pupils make enough rapid progress to ensure they attain the nationally expected standards. This results in Year 6 pupils not being sufficiently ready for the next stage of their education.

National league tables for schools across the UK were released in December 2019. By way of comparison, we have looked at where Waterside Academy ranks compared to the other primary schools across Hertfordshire, which is typically a high-achieving county.

There are 481 primary schools in Hertfordshire - Waterside Academy ranked...

Reading Progress = 159th out of 481

Writing Progress = 210th out of 481

Maths Progress = 77th out of 481

Last year 64% of our year six pupils left for secondary school having met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths - which is in-line with national figures.

School Ethos and Values Statement
School Performance - Assessment Results

School Performance Data 2018.19

Key Stage 2 Summary Figures (not current due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic)

Assessment Results 2023

National League Tables (Performance Tables)
National league tables for schools across the UK were released in December 2019.
By way of comparison, we have looked at where Waterside Academy ranks compared to the other primary schools across Hertfordshire, which is typically a high-achieving county. 
There are 481 primary schools in Hertfordshire - Waterside Academy ranked...
Reading Progress = 159th out of 481
Writing Progress = 210th out of 481
Maths Progress = 77th out of 481

Compare Waterside Here - National Performance Tables

Compare Waterside Academy to other schools here

Individual Healthcare Forms

At Waterside we want to support children with long term, serious medical conditions. Qualifying conditions include diabetes, serious/acute asthma (simply needing an inhaler in school  ‘just in case’ would not require a healthcare plan) or allergies requiring an epipen. If you are uncertain as to whether your child’s condition qualifies, Mrs Pace will be able to talk it through with you.

If you feel your child does qualify, we ask that parents fill out an individual healthcare form and come and discuss it with Mrs Pace. If you prefer, Ms Pace can fill one out with you. Once your child’s needs are understood, we will ensure all adults in the school, who need to know, are aware and know their part in keeping your child safe and secure.

Healthcare plans are reviewed yearly, or sooner as needs change.

Please click here for a copy of the Health Care Plan form. 


SEND Information Report

Mindfulness Video for Children and Young people


DSPL website http://dspl-welhat.org.uk/


Complaints Procedure

Click here and scroll down for the trust wide Complaints Policy


Click here and scroll down for the Trust wide Whistleblowing Policy

Requests for paper copies

If a parent/carer requests a paper copy of the information on our school’s website, we will provide this free of any charge.



Rowans, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 1NZ
A charitable limited company, registered in England and Wales No 10290954
Registered Office The Orchard Primary School, Gammons Lane, Watford, WD24 5JW

01707 321203
